UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM presents "Using Computer Simulations to Organize Biological Science and Educate Young Children: An Exploration of 30 years of Computational Neuroscience Oddly Linked to 30 years of Early Science Education Reform" Dr. James M. Bower, PhD Professor of Computational Neuroscience (Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, USA and CEO Numedeon Inc. inventors of ) 30 January 2013 (Wednesday) 1 pm -2 pm Hatfield, College Lane Campus * * Lecture Theatre LC108 * * Everyone is Welcome to Attend Refreshments will be available Abstract: Historians have argued that the movable type invented by Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg in 1441 provided a critical technological underpinning for both the Reformation and the Renaissance. Certainly the printing press has had a profound influence on universities, education and science. Now almost 600 years later, we are likely only starting to sense the consequences for society, education and science of a new even more scalable and flexible information technology. This talk will consider the common underpinnings in two seemingly unrelated projects: GENESIS a simulation platform used by computational neuroscientists to construct realistic models of the brain and a simulation and gaming based virtual world currently with 7.5 million young citizens world wide. --------------------------------------------------- Hertfordshire Computer Science Research Colloquium