UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM presents "Learn-on-the-fly: hybrid classical and quantum molecular dynamics" speaker: Dr. Gabor Csanyi (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University) 14 April 2004 (Wednesday) Lecture Theatre LC108 Hatfield, College Lane Campus 3 - 4 pm Coffee/tea and biscuits will be available. Everyone is Welcome to Attend [Space Permitting] Abstract: In the business of atomistic computer simulation one is always hard up against the tradeoff curve between accuracy and system size. A typical ball&spring type (classical) simulation can handle millions of atoms for microseconds, but is unable to describe bond breaking and bond formation. Quantum mechanical models which can are limited to thousands of atoms, not enough to simulate many materials and biological processes. I will describe a new scheme in which the two types of models are used simultaneously, spanning a large range of lengthscales. The central idea is to go with a classical simulation, but at appropriate times and places, "learn" and incorporate new information from the quantum model. _________________________________________________________________ Hertfordshire Computer Science Research Colloquium Abstracts On-line: