UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM presents "Do We Want Social Robots? Hard Problems in Human-Robot Interaction Research" Prof. Kerstin Dautenhahn (Adaptive Systems Research Group, University of Hertfordshire) 7 November 2007 (Wednesday) Lecture Theatre E350 Hatfield, College Lane Campus 3 - 4 pm Coffee/tea and biscuits will be available. Everyone is Welcome to Attend Abstract: Human-robot Interaction is a very active and growing area of research, and the research team at the University of Hertfordshire is currently involved in three European robotics projects: Cogniron, Robotcub and IROMEC. The research carried out in these projects ranges from basic research into how a robot can develop cognitive and interaction skills (Robotcub) to studies into companion robots that may be of assistance in the home (Cogniron), or a companion robot as a toy that may mediate between children who otherwise may not be able to play (assistive technology, IROMEC). Human-robot interaction involves often hard technological problems in terms of developing robots that can actually exhibit a variety of behaviour and carry out tasks relevant to their application. However, another important aspect concerns the "user-perspective", i.e. the view, attitudes and perceptions of a person who interacts with the robot. Interactive robots are different from traditional machines or tools such as toasters or cars. And they In my talk I will highlight a few general issues that any human-robot interaction researcher faces. These concern a) the nature of social intelligence, in primates and robots, b) the notion of a "social" robot with implications in different application areas, c) different metaphors on how people may want to relate to social robots, and, last by not least, d) methodological challenges and open problems in this highly interdisciplinary field. Selected references: -K. Dautenhahn (2007) Socially intelligent robots: dimensions of human - robot interaction, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 362(1480):679-704. -K. Dautenhahn (2007) Methodology and Themes of Human-Robot Interaction: A Growing Research Field. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 4(1):103-108 -K. Dautenhahn (1995), Getting to know each other - artificial social intelligence for autonomous robots, Robotics and Autonomous Systems 16:333-356 Speaker's homepage: Kerstin Dautenhahn, Professor of Artificial Intelligence -------------------------------------------------- Hertfordshire Computer Science Research Colloquium