UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM presents Prof. Kerstin Dautenhahn (Adaptive Systems Research Group, University of Hertfordshire) 20th and 21st January 2015 (Tuesday and Wednesday) 12 noon -1 pm Hatfield, College Lane Campus Lecture Theatre A161 Everyone is Welcome to Attend First lecture: Social Robotics - Introduction and Challenges The lecture will introduce some basic concepts and approaches in the field of social robotics, with a particular emphasis on human-robot interaction. Robots that operate in human-inhabited environments have become a focus of research worldwide, involving many challenges and opportunities. The field is highly interdisciplinary and requires abilities and interests in computer science, robotics, engineering, as well as social sciences and psychology. Second lecture: Companion Robots as Assistive Devices Increasingly robots are being developed as companions, in entertainment, education, therapy or rehabilitation. The lecture will introduce the concept of companion robots, and provide examples of state-of-the-art research, including research at UH, e.g. for developing home companion robots as assistants for elderly people, as well as robotic tools to help children with autism. Such research involves many challenges in terms of robotics, Artificial Intelligence, as well as ethics. --------------------------------------------------- Hertfordshire Computer Science Research Colloquium