UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM presents "Nonverbal Communication with a Multimodal Agent using Facial Expressions" Dr. Samuel Marcos (Cartif Technology Centre, Valladolid, Spain) 7 December 2011 (Wednesday) Meeting Room C152 Hatfield, College Lane Campus 1 -2 pm Everyone is Welcome to Attend Refreshments will be available Abstract: Humans tend to interact with machines in the same way they do with other human beings. During face to face communication, people are able to easily recognize the subtleties of different facial expressions with no effort. For that reason, animated faces may be used as a transparent human-robot interface that people can interpret. On the other hand, humans transmit great part of the information via nonverbal channels, mainly facial expressions. Building an interface with the capability of recognizing those signals helps in the use and acceptance of social robots, as users can interact with them in a more natural way. The lecture will describe the development of a multimodal 3D animated head, taking robotic characteristics into account and searching for a convergence between these characteristics, real facial actions and animation techniques. The multimodal system is able to display simple and complex facial expressions and also to recognize them. Both facial animation and expression recognition systems are based on Facial Action Coding System's (FACS) Action Units (AUs). --------------------------------------------------- Hertfordshire Computer Science Research Colloquium