UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM presents "Prime Decomposition Theorem for Finite Idempotent Semirings using the Triangular Product of B. I. Plotkin" Prof. John L. Rhodes (Mathematics Department, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.) 10 April 2008 (THURSDAY) Wright Building, Room F326 Hatfield, College Lane Campus 4 - 5+ pm Coffee/tea and biscuits will be available. Everyone is Welcome to Attend Abstract: A Prime Decomposition Theorem for finite idempotent semirings is proved using the triangular product of Plotkin adapted to semirings. A pair of results referred to as the Triangular Decomposition Theorem and the Ideal Decomposition Theorem are presented. Applying these in the context of idempotent semirings yields the decomposition half of the Prime Decomposition Theorem for idempotent semirings. Further portions of the talk are devoted to proving matrix algebras over the power set of a finite group are irreducible with respect to the triangular product. A moral of the talk is that much more of ring theory works over semirings than one would except. Applications to computing group complexity of the power set of a finite semigroup are given. This is new joint research with Ben Steinberg and is covered in Chapter 9 of our recent book 'The q-theory of Finite Semigroups' Springer 2008. The talk will be adapted to a computer science audience. -------------------------------------------------- Hertfordshire Computer Science Research Colloquium