UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM presents "A CS Researcher's Journey into Mainstream First-Year Teaching" Professor Alex Shafarenko (Compiler Technology and Computer Architecture Group, University of Hertfordshire) 21 October 2015 (Wednesday) 1 pm -2 pm Hatfield, College Lane Campus Lecture Theatre LF233 Everyone is Welcome to Attend Refreshments will be available Abstract: What is a researcher's contribution to teaching? Equipped with a broad horizon required for a successful career in research, problem-solving skills, confidence to go into untrodden territories and the ability to construct complex arguments, what do we, researchers, have to offer to the teaching side? These questions are philosophical, but for any specific teaching job there is a very specific practical answer. I once found myself in charge of teaching a mainstream subject: Computing Platforms, to first year undergraduates. Those were the questions I was suddenly faced with. This talk is a personal story of a teaching project (yes, teaching can be a project just as well as research). It will touch upon the challenges, discoveries and satisfaction one derives from what one does as an academic, i.e. researcher *and teacher*, and will illustrate them with my recent findings. --------------------------------------------------- Hertfordshire Computer Science Research Colloquium