UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM presents "A New Perspective from Information Theory on Properties of Genetic Sequences" Dr. Omri Tal (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany) 11 January 2017 at 11 a.m. Hatfield, College Lane Campus Lecture Theatre B404 Everyone is Welcome to Attend Refreshments will be available Abstract: I demonstrate conceptual links between features of population genetic samples and a core information-theoretic property. In essence, long stretches of genetic variants may be captured as 'typical sequences' of a *nonstationary* source modelled on the source population. I will introduce the concepts of typical genotypes, population entropy rate and mutual typicality, and their relation to the *asymptotic equipartition property*. The interplay of typical genotypes from differing populations and their geometric properties in high dimensional space will provide motivation for constructing simple typicality-based population assignment schemes. The communication channel can be likened to an inferential channel with noise resulting from fuzzy population boundaries and allele frequency estimation limits, and with *channel capacity* reflecting multi-locus *informativeness*. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hertfordshire Computer Science Research Colloquium