UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE COMPUTER SCIENCE RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM presents "Towards developing a home-based post-stroke rehabilitation device for hand" Dr. Vignesh Velmurugan (University of Hertfordshire) 6 December 2023 13:00 -14:00 College Lane Campus Room 1A159 Everyone is Welcome to Attend Abstract: Stroke survivors often experience varying levels of motor function deficits at the time of their discharge from the hospital which affects their ability to live independently. Such deficits in their hand’s motor functions are particularly debilitating and affect their ability to do activities of daily life. This talk will delve into my doctoral research which revolved around the development of a rehabilitation device aimed at aiding stroke survivors in recovering from such deficits and regaining their hand functions. Commencing with a concise overview of stroke and the role of rehabilitation in a stroke survivor’s recovery, this talk will unfold the various stages of the user-centred design approach employed in this work to develop a wearable robotic orthosis that allows hemiparetic stroke survivors to independently perform rehabilitation of their hand at their own homes. --------------------------------------------------- Hertfordshire Computer Science Research Colloquium